Monday, March 2, 2009

Bathroom Cleaning

Apartment Therapy did a post today about tips for cleaning your bathroom. I'm definitely going to try these the next time I clean our bathroom---especially the shaving cream on the mirror trick. I'm curious to see if it works or not. The perfume on the lightblub trick makes me a bit nervous though.

In my exciting life, I am always looking for better ways to clean and organize. My favorite product as of late is the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It really is magic, I'm telling you. That icky soap scummy stuff in the bathtub that never seems to come off no matter how hard you scrub wipes off like---magic, heh---with this thing. I would agree to be a spokesperson on an infomercial for this product, that's how much I love it.

Photo: Anthropologie's Maya bath towels (drool).


  1. i'm gonna get one. thanks sarah!

  2. You won't regret it, Kristi. I am such a dork to be recommending cleaning products!

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